Posts in Flower
Sunrise Poppy Garden 12x16

Sunrise Poppy Garden12x16 oil on canvas

What a gorgeous landscape! This one stopped me in my tracks. I made the husband do a u turn on this one. This was on our way to work and on a busy road.  The rising sun and beautiful flower garden were a show stopper. 

To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Garden of Golden Iris 20x16

Garden of Golden Iris

20x16 oil on canvas

I created this in the studio after visiting and painting at the Ft Worth Botanical Garden. It is a great place to paint small color studies.   These are one of my favorite flowers to paint. I created this using the palette knife and thick color paint.

Color Garden 8x10 oil on canvas

Color Garden

8x10 oil on panel

I created this at the Ft Worth Botanical Gardens in Ft Worth.  I was thrilled to return here again while the iris garden was in full bloom. I met the volunteers that maintain the gardens.  They were proud of their garden and happy to see me painting the fruits of their labor.  I was so grateful for this  to paint in this wonderful garden.

To purchase http:\\ Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

Golden Iris 6x12

Golden Irish

12x6 oil on canvas

The Ft Worth Botanical Gardens maintain a hybrid iris garden and these are one of my favorites.  I will always try to capture their beauty on canvas, and it is always a challenge. Fun times. 

To purchase http:\\ Sheri@sherijonesart.com Thank you for viewing my art.

 Sheri Jones

FlowerSheri jonesflowers